Women in the Church
Northpointe is blessed with a robust group of faithful women who are living out the gospel through service to one another and the church. Our women's leadership is called Women in the Church (WIC) and is made up of five cabinet members who are nominated yearly. If you have questions about a particular ministry or would like to get involved somehow, please fill out the contact form and someone from WIC will get in touch with you.
Wednesday Meal Teams
Each Wednesday during the school year, we have dinner together before our Bible study lesson. A different team of women set up and clean up this meal on a rotating schedule.
Creative Nights
All people are creative in some way because we are made after the image of a creative God. On a semi-regular basis we meet to create something together while also supporting one of our missionaries through collecting needed items, prayer, and encouragement.
Women's Bible Study
We have several Bible study opportunities available to women at Northpointe. In the spring and fall, we have a Tuesday morning study that meets at the church, as well as a corresponding evening study, which varies. A separate study group also meets on Thursday afternoon at differing times throughout the year.
Meal Ministry
It is the church's responsibility to care for those in need within our body and one of the very tangible ways we do this is through providing meals. Whenever there is a need, a meal sign-up is emailed to the whole church.
Women's Retreat
All women from Northpointe are invited to join us for a one-day retreat where we come together to worship, study God's Word, and be encouraged by one another. Our retreats are planned in the fall every other year on even years.
WIC GroupMe
Our women have a group within the GroupMe app where we can all stay connected with prayer requests, forthcoming events, and general inquiries. Use the contact form to request an invitation.
2025 WIC Cabinet
Carmel Madeja
Becca Tulip
Tina James
Marla Hoskins
Amy Goldman
Contact us with any questions, ideas, or if you'd like more information.