Men's Ministry
Northpointe offers many opportunities for the men of our church to fellowship together. Please contact the church for more information on any of these functions.

Prayer Breakfast
Every Tuesday at 6:00am, all men of Northpointe are invited for a time of fellowship over breakfast and a dedicated time of prayer. Breakfast is served in the choir room and no RSVP is necessary.

Men's Bible Study
A men's Bible study meets every other Monday evening at 7:00 at the Madeja home. Generally the study includes a video lecture followed by discussion. Contact the church for more information.

Monthly Fellowship
The men meet together at Northpointe the last Saturday of every month to discuss a theological article over breakfast. The meal begins at 8:00am in the sanctuary. The article is emailed by Pastor Mason or Pastor Kevin the week before this fellowship, so be sure you're on the list, if interested.
Contact us with any questions, ideas, or if you'd like more information.