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Special Events


Northpointe Youth!! We will have senior night May 6.  We are going to celebrate our seniors, Elli Ausbrooks,  Caroline Hoskins, Tripp Morrow, and Elliot Tulip. Come ready to celebrate all they have accomplished! We will be interviewing a couple from the church and have trivia about our seniors. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Mark your calendars for July 8-12! We had around 40 students last year, and are hoping to grow this year, so we need plenty of volunteers. Please let Leah Kiple know if you can help!


Families of youth, grades 7-12, please mark your calendars for June 17-21, for Youthiversity 2024.  This is our summer youth event where we meet each evening for dinner, games, and teaching. More details to follow.

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